What is CGN Noticias?
CGN Noticias is the newest San Diego internet news company that focuses on the issues that are important to the Spanish-language communities of San Diego & Tijuana. The news department at CGN is made up of accomplished TV journalists who are now pushing into the global content creation industry. This is an exemplary transition of modern TV journalism to the ever changing world of digital consumerism.
In addition to the focus on the the San Diego / Tijuana region, CGN Noticias recognizes the other Spanish language communities of the area by providing a real-time news channel via a local news content creator in the capital city of the native country.
CGN will never state they have defined the needs of the Spanish-language news audience. It is impossible to describe a Latin American culture that is constantly influenced by youth movements, global economics, cultural evolution, politics, war, and advances in education and science.
CGN Noticias is the bridge between and age-old Latin culture that prides itself with traditions and time-tested ideas to everything that is new in technology and the rollercoaster of modern day progress.
CGN is the bridge between the established Latino communities and their native country. It is also the bridge for those people who are in the exact process of leaving their native country and starting a journey to the United States.

How is CGN Noticias covering news that is uniqe to the San Diego / Tijuana region?
In addition to the local reporters, there are five other reporters covering the countries of Mexico, Peru, Colombia, The Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. There are plans to expand coverage to all Latin American countries.
Why is CGN Noticias taking this unique approach to covering Latin American issues for this region?
As Latinos/Latinas in the San Diego / Tijuana region, whether native born or immigrant, we have an unbreakable connection to the native country. CGN will cover the most important issues, but also take the time to highlight the things that contribute to our identities in and around this bi-cultural region.
What is the focus of CGN Noticias?
The top issues and news categories that are at the top of our list is politics, economics, culture, and sports.
Who founded CGN Noticias?
Carlos Gonzales, originally from Peru and a veteran San Diego reporter, recognized the need to provide news content in the most convenient and efficient method: the modern day smartphone. As a forward thinker and futurist, Carlos came up with “Chyron Generated News” as a way to anchor the company name, CGN Noticias. Chyron generated news is a play on words familiar in the news industry to represent the world-wide effort to reach news audiences using the latest in internet & broadband technology. More important than today’s tech, Carlos recognized the different ways that people across Latin America were using available tech to keep the connection with their native country and culture.